Toddler Games – Games for 1-2 Year Olds
What games can you play with a 1 and a half year old?
It’s that time when you’re wondering what to do with your child, and how to occupy their time. You’ve gone through the books and figured out when they should eat, sleep, etc., but when it comes down to times when you know they need something but don’t know exactly what they need or how best to fill up their day, you find yourself at a loss. You know they need stimulation, and maybe even be entertained for a little bit, but what can do you?
Here are some ideas of preschool games to play with your toddler — either alone or with other children (of varying ages). These will help keep them occupied and happy; then you won’t have to worry about what they’re doing.
Picnic in the Park
Take a nice picnic with you to your favorite park or any other green space that’s available for use. You can pack up some sandwiches, snacks, and drinks (if allowed), and head out on a sunny day. Sit down on a blanket together, and enjoy the warmth of the sun as you eat your meal. Take a walk around the park afterward, and let them explore as they wish. Watch out for those tree roots!
Don’t be afraid to take a stroller on a picnic with you if the distance seems too far for them to walk or if they seem tired from all of that playing at the park. If you’re in an open grassy area, they can nap in the stroller while you enjoy your meal.
Outdoor Obstacle Course
Set up a course of toys and furniture outdoors for them to play with. This will give them something fun to do while giving them some exercise at the same time, which is always good. Try not to make your course too difficult, as you don’t want them to get frustrated. Just make sure they can be safe playing on it by using soft toys for the items they might fall on, and no sharp objects like rocks or sticks.
Animal Adventure
Take turns taking on the different roles of animals in nature. You could be a butterfly while fluttering around the yard, or a bird while singing in the trees. They can be anything from a lizard to a snake crawling through the grass, or even an elephant taking care of its young. This is simple enough for them to understand and it will make for great entertainment.
That’s all you need for right now remember that these are only some ideas for games to play with your toddler. You can always make up new ones yourself, or find more online!
Now that they’ve had their fun, it’s time to send them off for a nap (if you must) or give them some quiet time before dinner. You should hopefully have the rest of the evening to relax and enjoy yourself.